New Critics, New Writers Undergraduate Conference Schedule

New Critics, New Writers 2024

Session 1: Race and Education

Thursday, April 25
2:30-3:45 pm
Freedom Room, Lee Hall
Moderators: Victoriana Alfonso & Delielah Tinsley
Creative non-fiction by Ashanti Davis, Brian Gershowitz, Hannah McMahon, and Kimberly Ng

Session 2: Legacy of Arrakis: Colonialism, Religion, and Ecology of Frank Herbert’s Dune

Tues, April 30
Craven Lounge, Morris Hall

A critical discussion of the Dune book and movie by John Arnold and Reece Maopolski.

Session 3: Beyond the Barista Stereotype: A Panel of English Department Alumni

Thursday, May 2
Craven Lounge, Morris Hall

Organized and moderated by Alex Castillo & Jamie Alaxanian


  • Colton Cox (’15): Design Manager, IBM
  • Pete McPherson (’14): Freelance board game designer
  • Christy Mullins (’13): Social Media Content Creator, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
  • Indiana Nash (‘15) Senior Writer, The Daily Gazette
  • Bob Raymond (’75): Technical editor and Business owner (Marketing Communications)
  • Sarah Rhodes (’10): Senior Assistant Reference and Instruction Librarian, Milne Library

Session 4: New Critics, New Professionals

Tuesday, May 7: 2024
Freedom Room, Lee Hall

Features presentations and works-in-progress by Victoriana Alfonso, Ronica Clarke, Ana Garcia-Phillips, and Aaliyah Stalker

Session 5: New Writers: A Fiction and Poetry Reading

Thursday, May 9
Craven Lounge, Morris Hall

Our final session featured fiction readings by Dylan Neer, Lex Valluzzi, Zach LaFontant, and Nick Aliani, then a snack break,
and finally poetry by Jamie Alaxanian, Megan Morris, Delielah Tinsley, and Gavn Werring Mendez