Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Travel Opportunities

Meteorology majors at the Storm Conference
Meteorology majors at the Storm Conference
Geology majors on field trip to Southern California
Geology majors on field trip to Southern California
Rocky Mountain summer field experience
Rocky Mountain summer field experience

Learning Outside the Classroom

The faculty strongly believe getting students out of the classroom and learning by doing (also known as experiential learning) should be a component of the college experience. There are different ways students can take advantage of these opportunities.

Field Trips

One of two department field trips is Geology of the Rocky Mountain Region (GEOL 3708). This course is an interdisciplinary study of the ecology and geology of the Rocky Mountain region that includes an 18-day summer field excursion. The field trip is limited to 12–15 students, half geology/earth science and half biology majors. It may be the longest running field trip on campus, possibly since the 1970's. The course largely focuses on the natural environments of the southern Rocky Mountains and Colorado Plateau. Students will record observations in a field notebook; keep personal journals to reflect on a topic of the day; practice identifying rocks, fossils, plants, and animals; and synthesizing data in field presentations. The parks visited include Great Sand Dunes National Park, Mesa Verde National Park, Grand Canyon National Park, Arches National Park, and Rocky Mountain National Park.

Students visit Goosenecks State Park in Utah

The second department field trip is Field Geology of Plate Boundaries (GEOL 4096). This course provides the opportunity for students to apply in-class theory to a field study experience. Students will record geologic observations in field notes and sketches; create maps and geologic cross sections; stratigraphic sections and present summaries of field investigations. The field trip usually runs in between fall and spring semesters for 13 days and then students work on their field data in class during the spring semester. The field trip rotates among three destinations in southern California: Death Valley, Anzo Barrego, and Calico Mojave.

Students at Rainbow Basin in southern California

Student Travel to Professional Conferences

2023-24 Professional Conferences

Our department has a strong tradition of sending majors to professional conferences to present their research, meet with prospective graduate school, or learn more about their field. Below is a list of the upcoming conferences our majors usually attend.

Geological Society of America (GSA) – October 15-18, 2023 in Pittsburg, PA

American Geophysical Union (AGU) – December 11-15, 2023 in San Francisco, CA

American Meteorological Society (AMS) – January 28-February, 2024 in Baltimore, MD

Northeastern Section of GSA – March 17-19, 2024 in Manchester, NH

Northeastern Storm Conference – TBD


There are several funding opportunities to help pay the expenses of travel to professional conferences. The department is fortunate to offer some funds for students to travel to conferences. This is due to the generous support of our alumni. Please see Department Travel Application on the right side of this webpage.

The SUNY Oneonta Grants Development Office (GDO) provides other sources of funding for student travel. Please visit the GDO website to learn about the opportunities.

The Caroline '67 and David D'Antonio Undergraduate Student Travel for Excellence Fund is for professional and conference travel related to applicant's field of study.

Download submission deadlines and the application.

Student Travel for Excellence Program: STEP provides support for travel to conferences and other activities.

Download submission deadlines and the application.


Please download form to fill out, print it, and return the form to Lisa Hoffman in the department office (Rm 209) by the appropriate deadline listed below.

Deadlines for Application

First Friday in September for all conferences Oct - Jan.

Second Friday in February for all conferences Feb - Sept.