Earth and Atmospheric Sciences From the Chair

Dr. Fall and students at Arches National Park (Utah)
Dr. Fall and students at Arches National Park (Utah)
EAS majors running a panel discussion for new majors
EAS majors running a panel discussion for new majors
Meteorology majors enjoying a coffee at Hunt Union
Meteorology majors enjoying a coffee at Hunt Union
EAS Advisory Council
EAS Advisory Council

The Council's purpose is to advise and aid the department chair and faculty on long-range planning, policy and program development; to assist in resource development for the department; to advise on recruitment and retention of a diverse student body; and to promote relationships between the department, its alumni, and organizations and individuals outside the university. Issues that need to be brought before the council should be addressed to the chair of the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences.

Members of the EAS Advisory Council
Members include (from left to right): Margaret LaFarr (Meteorology ’89) – Assistant Director for the Division of Air Resources, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC); Alyssa Sharr (Meteorology ’15) – Risk Engineer, Zurich North America; Heather McArdle (’92) – Geosciences Teacher, Mahopac High School; Robert DeMarco (’05) – Earth Science Teacher, Marlboro Central School District; Dr. Terrence Quinn (Geology ’82) – Professor, Institute for Geophysics, Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas, Austin; Malcolm Field (Water Resources ’81) – Senior Research Hydrogeologist, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Two current faculty have been awarded the SUNY Chancellor Award for Teaching.

Each year we award five to seven scholarships, with each ranging between $600 and $2400.

We offer a variety of field trips around New York, Pennsylvania, the Northeast, southern California, and to several National Parks (e.g., Grand Canyon).

We offer students the opportunity to gain hands-on experience on instruments and equipment (e.g., weather station, ground penetrating radar).

We offer a unique pre-semester field experience for incoming freshman called GEOFYRST (Geologic Experience Outdoors First Year Regional Summer Trip). Read about GEOFYRST.

Our geology majors can begin the process of becoming a New York State Professional Geologist through our curriculum.

We offer students opportunities to conduct original research with faculty.

Our students attend professional meetings to present their research, including the Geological Society of America (GSA), the American Geophysical Union (AGU), the American Meteorological Society (AMS), and the Northeastern Storm Conference.

Each fall we host Majors’ Night, a networking event for current students to meet alumni of the department who are working or in graduate school.

At the end of the spring semester, we get together for a picnic at College Camp, where we grill burgers, hold our traditional tug-o-war, award scholarships, and announce the outstanding senior.

Examples of Facilities and Equipment



Our unique sky observation room provides the opportunity for meteorology majors to strengthen their weather observations skills.

Weather Station

HOBO Weather Station

Meteorology majors collect data from the rooftop weather station to become proficient in instrumentation and forecasting.


Scanning electron microscope

Our department houses a Hitachi TM 3030 scanning electron microscope (SEM) with EDX Analysis and magnification up to 60,000x.

Stream Table

Stream Table

There is an Emriver stream table where students can learn through hands-on experience about river formation, erosion, landscape stability, sediment transport, and more.

Lab Equipment

Classroom lab

Our department has lab equipment to provide hands-on experience. This example shows students working on a hydrogeology lab.

Computer Lab

Perna 205 computer lab

There is a classroom with 24 computers. Many faculty use this room to instruct students on programs like Google Earth, ArcGIS Pro, and Python.