University Sponsored Student Travel Registry

The University Sponsored Student Travel Policy established a Student Travel Registry to centralize vital information about travel activity to improve campus emergency response capabilities. Faculty and staff who plan to lead or sponsor student travel are encouraged to review this policy carefully.

The Student Travel Registry is an important risk management tool that allows student travel sponsored by SUNY Oneonta or affiliates to be registered at a central location. The registry is a repository for information about each planned travel activity and is designed primarily for use by University Police and others designated to manage emergencies.

Faculty and staff leading an authorized student travel activity (or designee) are required to submit appropriate information to the registry prior to the trip. The registry was designed by SUNY Oneonta ITS with ease of use in mind to minimize workload on those placing submissions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Travel involving course-associated activities ranging from overnight class field trips to faculty-led course trips, and travel involving research, conferences, volunteer, and other non-credit activities must be entered into the Travel Registry.

Travel involving athletics, Student Association activities, internships, and education field experiences is exempt from posting to the registry.

More details about required and exempt types of travel are provided in the University Sponsored Student Travel Policy.

The following information is required for all travel: roster of participants, travel dates, location/itinerary, and emergency plans including travel leader contact information and nearest medical facility. Additional information such as transportation and accommodation information is required for overnight and international travel.

The online submission form will prompt for appropriate information based on the type of travel. Further detail on requirements for types of travel is available in the University Sponsored Student Travel Policy and associated procedures.

The primary purpose of the registry is to provide immediate access to travel itineraries, student rosters, travel-specific emergency plans, and contact information in case of an emergency. Registry information is accessed by emergency managers through a dashboard showing map locations and dates and provides quick links to specific information about each travel activity.

Information is collected via a secure Microsoft Form. A separate link is available below for each type of travel activity.

Changes can be made to your original submission with the assistance of contacts listed below.

UPD, Provost, Deans and V.P.’s, designated emergency managers, and registry administrators have access to the Travel Registry data.

Travel Registry Links