
What Students are Saying About the Counseling Center

Students are asked periodically to provide anonymous feedback to the counseling center staff. Here are some of their comments:

"I have gotten so much out of my sessions. I attribute a lot of my academic success and personal success to the counseling center."

"The counselor made me feel welcomed and respected. I didn't feel uncomfortable at all."

"This place is great and has really helped a lot."

"I definitely received the help I needed!"

"Sessions have been really helpful. Its a great way to talk about everything. I'm very happy with this program."

"The staff is very friendly and helpful."

"I am impressed with the help I have received here."

"[My counselor] has been wonderfully helpful in helping me to see where my issues stem from and how to deal with them."

"Everyone here makes me feel very comfortable and welcome."

"All staff members have been very helpful and I appreciate them all."

"My counselor is very down to earth and real, not condescending or judgmental."

"All of [the counseling center staff] are awesome, helpful people. I enjoy coming here and look forward to the smiling faces!"

"I love coming to the counseling center!"

"I definitely feel the staff is great. They are helpful and respectful."

"I think it is excellent that these services are offered to students."

"People who are afraid to come here, like I was, should definitely come here to talk to someone, it helps."

"The staff is very respectful of my needs and very helpful overall."

"I feel the services you offer here are of great help to students on this campus. I thank you."

"They make you feel comfortable and understand you."

"I felt very respected and taken care of. My counselor was very professional."