Contact the Counseling Center

Students need to make their own appointments.

Parents, friends, faculty, RAs and RDs who are concerned about a student may call for a consultation, encouraging the student to make an appointment, and even accompany them on the first appointment.

All contacts at the counseling center are confidential including the initial phone call.
In case a mental health emergency occurs when the Counseling Center is not available call the 24-hour Mobile Crisis Assessment Team hotline at 1-844-732-6228.

If someone has already taken action to hurt themselves or you think they are about to, this is an emergency. Call University Police at x3550 if on campus or 911 if off-campus.


We are always happy to answer your questions about counseling or mental health issues. Email your questions to Allsun Ozyesil, LMHC.

If you have an urgent question, please call the Counseling Center at 607-436-3368.


Use the map above for driving directions to Oneonta and for a map of the campus. Once you reach Oneonta, take exit 15 from I-88.

Turn north at the end of the ramp onto Lettis Highway: left from the West/Binghamton, right from the East/Albany. (If you’re coming from Binghamton you’ll go through the couple quick lights there at the underpass.)

Cross Main Street at its first major intersection where Lettis Highway becomes Maple Street. At the first light on Maple Street, make a left onto Center Street. At the end of Center Street, make a right onto West Street. Turn right at the SUNY Oneonta sign onto Ravine Parkway and into the campus.

Proceed up the hill in Ravine Parkway straight past the initial signs welcoming you to campus, and then look to your left for the first campus building, around the building, which is the Counseling, Health, and Wellness Building. As you come in the building, take a left to check in at the front desk.


Counseling Health and Wellness
Room 101
Phone: 607-436-3368

24-hour Crisis Hotline

Crisis Text Line Free, 24/7

Fall and Spring Semesters
Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4: 30 p.m.

Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 12 noon
and 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m..