Finding An Internship

Start Your Search

Just like when searching for a job, finding an internship that fits your needs can take time. If you are interested in earning credit for an internship, be sure to start your search early to ensure you can complete the approval process in a timely manner.

We recommend considering the following resources to help you start your search. You never know where you might find an opportunity to gain experience in your field!

Internship Resources
Resource Getting started
Faculty Members Faculty members in your department serve as a great place to start when looking for internship ideas. In order to receive credit for an internship, students will need to establish a Faculty Sponsor. Connecting with a faculty member early in the process can ensure a smooth application process.
Handshake SUNY Oneonta uses the Handshake application to post jobs and internships, as well as process internship applications for credit. Use your Oneonta Single Sign-On Credentials to create an account.
Online Resources

Organization Websites, Chamber of Commerce, Internship Databases, such as:

Printed Resources Newspapers, Professional Journals
Social Media LinkedIn (Join the Alumni Association Group) is a social media website that emphasizes professional opportunities through network connections.
Social Networks Family, Friends, SUNY Oneonta Alumni

Select an internship

When considering different internship opportunities, you may want to ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is the internship related to my field?
  • Does the work sound interesting to me?
  • Is the internship paid or unpaid?
  • When is the internship offered? Will it be available in the timeframe I would like to complete it?
  • Is the company/organization offering the internship reliable and reputable?
  • Is there a faculty member who would serve as a Faculty Sponsor for the internship?

Need help answering these questions? Book an appointment with a Career Counselor.