Bugbee Children's Center Enrollment Information

Application for Child Care

All members of SUNY Oneonta and the greater Oneonta community are welcome to apply for child care at the Bugbee Children's Center. Given the nature of caring for children of varying ages (i.e. the strict child to staff ratios we must adhere to), we often are operating from a wait list ESPECIALLY for children 18 months and younger. If you are pregnant and know you will be interested in the care our facility offers at 8 weeks, we recommend sending us an application early in your pregnancy. In order to be placed on our waiting list, complete the Enrollment Application and Pay the $25 application fee and you will be contacted shorty.

Admission Priorities

The Center’s enrollment priorities are as follows:

  1. SUNY Oneonta Students, SUNY Students, Siblings and Center Staff
  2. SUNY Oneonta Faculty/Staff and Employees from any NYS Agency
  3. Community Residents (Full time care needs take priority over part time care needs.)

Enrollment Information

  • The Center is open year round Monday - Friday 7:00am – 5:00pm (excluding the holidays noted in Family Handbook and above).
  • A full week of care consists of four or five full days with a maximum of 9 hours per day.
  • Part time enrollment is M/W/F or T/Th per week with a maximum of 9 hours per day.
  • Full day enrollment is required with drop off scheduled prior to 10:30am.

Tuition Assistance / Discounts

Additional hours of care beyond the 9 hours per day are billed at $10.00 per hour. Prior approval is required.

SUNY Students may be eligible for SUNY Scholarship (Federal Block Grant) funding for child care expenses based on their household income and family size. Please see the Director for an application.

Families may be eligible for County Day Care Subsidies based on their household income and family size. Please contact your county’s Department of Social Service office and request a Day Care Subsidy application.

(Families receiving day care subsidy are responsible for their family share AND any amount not covered by subsidy.)

A 10% sibling reduction is given to all children (Infants, Toddlers, Preschool) beyond the first child enrolled and applied to the lower fee. Subsidy families are not eligible for the sibling discount.

NYS Employees: The Dependent Care Advantage Account (DCAAccount) Employer Contribution is available to you for the 2024 plan year. State agency employees who are M/C or represented by CSEA, PEF, UUP, Council 82, DC-37, GSEU, NYSCOPBA are eligible for the DCAAccount Employer Contribution. The employer contribution, based on union contracts, varies between $300 and $800 and is determined by your annualized salary. This is a union negotiated benefit and is your opportunity to access additional funds to pay for dependent care. You may also pay for your dependent care expenses with pre-tax dollars by setting up an additional flex spending account through this program.

Depending on your financial circumstances, this program may offer some considerable tax savings. For more information visit flexspend.ny.gov.

Bugbee Children’s Center collaborates with the Oneonta City School District to offer Universal Pre-K to children living in the OCSD who will be 4 years old before December 1, 2024. Please see the Director for more information.

SUNY Students/SUNY Oneonta/State Employees are not required to pay the Registration Fee.

A 20% fee reduction is available for children of Bugbee Children’s Center employees.

Fee Schedule 2024 - 2025

The following is effective January 6, 2025.

Start Up Costs



Application Fee

(A Non-refundable fee per child to be placed on the waiting list)


Registration Fee

(Upon enrollment a non-refundable fee per family)


Security Deposit

(Returned to the family with 2 week notice of withdrawal)

Full Time $300 / Part Time $150 / Subsidized $100
Tuition One weeks’ tuition


Tuition fees include formula and baby food, all meals, activities and materials.

Tuition Costs

These rates are charged for care for 9 hours per day and under


Full Time Weekly

(Monday - Friday)

Part Time 3 Days

(M/W/F or T/Th)

Part Time 2 Days

Infant (8 weeks - 18 months)

$320 - ACH

$329.44 - Credit Card

$225 - ACH

$231.64 Credit Card

$150 - ACH

$154.43 - Credit Card

Toddlers (18 months - 3 years old)

$300 - ACH

$308.85 - Credit Card

$210 - ACH

$216.20 - Credit Card

$140 - ACH

$144.13 - Credit Card

Preschool (3, 4 and 5 years old)

$277 - ACH

$285.17 - Credit Card

$201 - ACH

$206.93 - Credit Card

$134 - ACH

$137.95 - Credit Card

Billing Schedule

Tuition is charged on a weekly basis through Brightwheel and payment is due on Friday prior to the week of care.

Center Closed - Fees Charged:

  • New Year’s Day
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day
  • President’s Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Juneteenth
  • Labor Day
  • Columbus Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Christmas Day
  • Spring Professional Development Day
  • Summer Professional Development Day

Center Closed - Fees NOT Charged:

  • Days Before and After Thanksgiving
  • December 23, 24, 26, 27, 30, and 31 (Christmas Break)
  • July 1 – 5 (Summer Vacation Week)
  • August 15 (Staff Work Day)

Start Date Confirmed

Once you receive a start date you will be required to complete a packet of paperwork BEFORE your child(ren) may begin. These forms will be sent electronically with an additional form sent by email.