Herbarium Loan Policy

Eligibility - Loans are made to institutions and not to individuals. The borrowing herbarium has the responsibility for secure storage and handling and for proper return of loaned specimens. Specimens may not be removed from the institution to which they were loaned without written permission from the curator.

Requests for loans - Requests for loans must be signed by the curator/director or collections manager of the institution receiving the loan. Electronic loan requests are acceptable only from the curator/director or collections manager. Requests should include: name of researcher(s), title and scope of the investigation, and a complete list of taxa required for the study.

Duration - Loans are normally made for a specified period, usually one year, although we request that loans be returned at the earliest opportunity. If additional time is required for an investigation, then an extension must be requested in writing. SUCO retains the right to request return of its loan material at any time.

Storage - All specimens must be stored in airtight herbarium cabinets with proper sanitation and insect control protocols.

Handling - Specimens should be handled properly. Do not bend or fold sheets and do not invert specimens. Place all fragments in packets on the sheets. Do not store sheets in contact with non-archival packing materials.

Dissection and destructive analyses - The judicious dissection of specimens is permitted. Please use fragment packets for loose materials. Requests for destructive sampling should accompany a loan request and indicate the procedures planned and the specimens and materials required.

Annotations - All material borrowed by the investigator must be properly annotated. Please use permanent ink or laser printing on 100% cotton, acid-free paper. Annotation labels should contain the complete scientific name (genus, species, authority), annotator's name, annotator's institution, and date. Do not write on the specimen sheet, label, or another annotation slip.

Return - Please return all loaned specimens in sound packaging with tracking to:
SUNY Oneonta Biology Department
Att.: Herbarium Curator
Ravine Parkway
Oneonta, N.Y. 13820

Citation of specimens – SUNY Oneonta Herbarium specimens should be cited with the herbarium acronym 'SUCO' in all publications.

I have received the listed specimens and agree to the conditions governing loans made from the SUCO Herbarium:

Please send the original of this signed agreement with your request.


Sean Robinson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Biology

Email: Sean.Robinson@oneonta.edu

Tel: (607) 436-3732