Fashion and Textiles Minor

The minor in Fashion and Textiles (FASH) is open to all undergraduates except students in the Human Ecology: Fashion and Textiles major. The minor consists of 12 semester hours of required courses and 6 semester hours of student-selected elected fashion courses. The minor is designed to provide a focus for students interested in fashion. It should be of particular interest to majors in Art, Business, Psychology, and Sociology. Students planning to complete requirements for this minor must declare their intentions at an early point to facilitate advisement. Forms for this purpose may be picked up at Human Ecology Department Office, 100 Human Ecology, (607) 436-2705.



  1. University rules pertaining to curriculum majors also apply to curriculum minors
    1. Minor GPA of at least 2.0
    2. All courses must be taken for a letter grade unless offered Pass/Fail only
    3. One half (1/2) of the minor coursework must be completed in residence
    4. No more than two courses may overlap between/among all majors/minors; any excess requires additional coursework
  2. Check proper course selection, sequence and prerequisite requirements with the department of the minor

Note: The name of this minor was Apparel and Textiles (HEAT) prior to Fall 2019.

Required Prerequisites: 6 s.h.

  • CHEM 100 or 111 or PHYS 100 and
  • ECON 110 (may be taken as part of the General Education)

Core Courses: 12 s.h.

  • FASH 120 Socio-Psychological Aspects of Dress
  • FASH 121 Apparel Construction or
    FASH 123 Quality Analysis: Apparel Products
  • FASH 220 Textile Science
  • FASH 224 History of Costume I

Additional Selections: 6 s.h.

Select two of the following:

  • FASH 121 Apparel Construction or FASH 123 Quality Analysis: Apparel Products (if not used above)
  • FASH 221 Apparel in Today’s Economy
  • FASH 222 Apparel Design – Flat Pattern
  • FASH 223 Computer Applications: Fashion
  • FASH 226 Apparel Design – Draping
  • FASH 228 Fashion Design and Illustration
  • FASH 229 Fashion Marketing
  • FASH 230 Computer Integrated Fashion Merchandising
  • FASH 300 Fashion Journalism
  • FASH 323 Promotional Techniques in Apparel Industry
  • FASH 324 Fashion Merchandising
  • FASH 326 Advanced Computer Fashion Design
  • HUEC 210 Retail Management HUEC 211 Service Industries Supervision

Total: 18 s.h.