Event Planning Minor - EVNT

The minor in Event Planning is open to all undergraduate students. It consists of 9 semester hours of required courses and 12 semester hours of student-selected courses in four specific learning areas. The minor is designed to provide a basic understanding of the requirements and expectations of event planning. For further information, please contact Mr. Oscar Oberkircher, Human Ecology Room 142B, ext. 2071 or email oberkioj@oneonta.edu.



1. University rules pertaining to curriculum majors also apply to curriculum minors

  • Minor GPA of at least 2.0
  • All courses must be taken for a letter grade unless offered Pass/Fail only
  • One-half (1/2) of the minor coursework must be completed in residence
  • No more than two courses may overlap between/among all majors/minors; any excess requires additional coursework

2. FSRA Program Director certifies all Event Planning minors upon minor completion. Meet with the FSRA Program Director to learn about and start the minor and you’ll become aware of all sorts of opportunities to build your skills.

3. Check proper course selection, sequence and prerequisite requirements with the department of the minor.

Core Courses 9 s.h.

  • FOOD 109: Survey of Events
  • FOOD 209: Event Planning
  • FOOD 130: Introductory Foods

Selections 12 s.h

Select one course from each category:


  • ARTH110: Survey of the Visual Arts
  • ARTS 130: Introduction to 3-D Design
  • FASH 280: Interior Design (prerequisite: 3 s.h. LA ART)
  • THTR 220: Stagecraft


  • COMM 100: Introduction to Communication
  • COMM 110: Public Speaking
  • COMM 207: Public Relations (prerequisite: SoS and 3 s.h. COMM )


  • FOOD 210: Event Management
  • FOOD 219: Travel & Tourism
  • FOOD 220: Hospitality Leisure Operations
  • FOOD 234: Cultural Aspects of Food
  • FOOD 236: Beer, Wine & Food (prerequisite: SoS )
  • FOOD 237: Techniques of Healthy Cooking (prerequisite: FOOD 130 and NUTR 140 or NUTR 142)
  • FOOD 201 and FOOD 205: Take 3 1-s.h. minis from the following list (prerequisite: FOOD 130)
    • FOOD 201a: Regional Cuisine: United States
    • FOOD 201b: Regional Cuisine: Europe
    • FOOD 201c: Regional Cuisine: France
    • FOOD 201d: Regional Cuisine: Mediterranean
    • FOOD 201F: Regional Cuisine: Central & South America
    • FOOD 205a: Baking: Cakes and Cookies
    • FOOD 205b: Baking: Pastries
    • FOOD 205c: Baking: Breads and Rolls


  • MUSC 100: Music for Listeners
  • MUSC 106: Learning About Music
  • THTR 100: Theatre Appreciation
  • ANTH 105: World Culture

TOTAL 21 s.h.