English Minor

The English Minor provides a foundation for the study of literature written in English and offers practice in writing. Compatible with both liberal arts and pre-professional majors, the Minor allows students to examine culture and human experience from a perspective other than that of their major field. Prospective employers, who often look closely at job candidates’ writing and communicating skills, often find the English Minor an attractive applicant. For more information please contact the English Department, 322 Netzer, (607) 436-3446.



1. University rules pertaining to curriculum majors also apply to curriculum minors

  • Minor GPA of at least 2.0
  • All courses must be taken for a letter grade unless offered Pass/Fail only
  • One-half (1/2) of the minor coursework must be completed in residence
  • No more than two courses may overlap between/among all majors/minors; any excess requires additional coursework

2. Check proper course selection, sequence and prerequisite requirements with the department of the minor

3. Except for LITR 150, only courses at the 200-level (or higher) may be counted toward the minor.