Business Minor

This minor is open to all undergraduates except Accounting and Business Economics majors. The Business minor provides students with a solid foundation in the functional disciplines of economics and business. The capstone course applies that foundation knowledge to business problems and gives students the opportunity to do a project that is relevant to their major. Students planning to complete the requirements for this minor must make arrangements with the Management, Marketing and Information Systems department, 324 Netzer, 607-436-3151.


Additional Notes:

1. University rules pertaining to curriculum majors also apply to curriculum minors

  • Minor GPA of at least 2.0
  • All courses must be taken for a letter grade unless offered Pass/Fail only
  • One-half (1/2) of the minor coursework must be completed in residence
  • No more than two courses may overlap between/among all majors/minors; any excess requires additional coursework

2. Check proper course selection, sequence and prerequisite requirements with the department of the minor

Core Courses 24 s.h.

  • ACCT 100 Financial Accounting
  • ACCT 122 Managerial Accounting
  • *BUS 300 Case Studies in Business (capstone)
  • **ECON 110 Principles of Economics
  • FINC 231 Corporation Finance
  • LAW 222 Business Law
  • MGMT 241 Fundamentals of Management
  • MKTG 261 Fundamentals of Marketing

Selections 4 s.h.

  • ***INTD 107 Intro to Spreadsheets
  • PSYC 110 Statistics in Psychology -or- STAT 101 Intro to Statistics

Total: 28 s.h.


  1. ** ECON 111 and 112 may be substituted for ECON 110. In that event, the total will be 27 s.h. and the overall total will be 31 s.h.
  2. *A 2.00 GPA in the Business minor is a prerequisite for the capstone course. BUS 300 must be taken in residence.
  3. ***CSCI 100 Intro. to Computer Tech may be a substitute for this course.
  4. Students planning to complete any minor(s) should declare their intentions at an early point to facilitate advisement. Students must begin the Business minor in the first semester of junior year in order to complete it. Students should seek the assistance of an advisor in the Division. Some majors require additional courses in Economics & Business than those listed above. According to University policy, students who are not Accounting or Business Economics majors cannot take more than 30 s.h. in this Division; therefore those seeking the Business minor should carefully plan their course selections for their major and this minor. Transfer students whose transfer courses accepted as equivalent to courses offered by this Division and Oneonta courses mandated as requirements in a major outside the Division may be ineligible for this minor because of the 30 s.h. rule. Students who have earned elective courses from this Division may be ineligible for this minor.