Athletic Coaching Minor

This minor is open to all undergraduates and consists of courses related to coaching, fitness, and sport theory. Students completing this minor will have the basic skills, knowledge and understanding of how to prepare a sport team for success. Some of the courses needed for this minor have prerequisites (shown in italics). Please refer to the Academic Catalog for specifics. Students completing this minor will have completed the core coursework for the NYS Coaching License. Information on the additional requirements is available in the Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences Main Office. Candidates for this minor should declare their intentions as early as possible with the Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences, 200 Chase P.E., (607) 436-3595, to facilitate advisement.




1. University rules pertaining to curriculum majors also apply to curriculum minors

  • Minor GPA of at least 2.0
  • All courses must be taken for a letter grade unless offered Pass/Fail only
  • One-half (1/2) of the minor coursework must be completed in residence
  • No more than two courses may overlap between/among all majors/minors; any excess requires additional coursework

2. Check proper course selection, sequence and prerequisite requirements with the department of the min



Coaching 10 s.h.

For maximum benefit, it is strongly recommended that the courses below are completed in the order shown.

  • PHED 222 Philosophy, Principles, & Organization of Athletics in Education (SoS) 3 s.h.
  • PHED 207 Theory & Techniques of Coaching (sport specific) (SoS) 3 s.h.
  • PHED 321 Health Science Applied to Coaching (JrS) 4 s.h.

Health & Fitness 5 s.h.

  • PHED 210 Emergency Care & Prevention 3 s.h. and
  • PHED 159 Body Conditioning PACT or
    PHED 177 Basic Weight Training PACT

Related Sport Theory 6 s.h.

  • PHED 375 Legal Issues in Sport (JrS) 3 s.h. and

Choose one of the following: 3 s.h.

  • PHED/PSYC 247 Sport Psychology (SoS and PSYC 100) or
    PHED 275 Facilitating Challenge Experiences (SoS) or
    PHED/WMST 280 Women in Sports (SoS) or
    PHED 303 Sport and American Society (JrS)

Total: 21 s.h.


1. College rules pertaining to curriculum majors also apply to curriculum minors

  • Minor GPA of at least 2.0
  • All courses must be taken for a letter grade unless offered Pass/Fail only
  • One-half (1/2) of the minor coursework must be completed in residence
  • No more than two courses may overlap between/among all majors/minors; any excess requires additional coursework

2. Check proper course selection, sequence and prerequisite requirements with the department of the minor